Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Its ok to be gay, just not a christian

It is a dark day in this once blessed county. How we have fallen.

There was once a time when people came to this land to seek solace from the tyrants and rulers who were seeking to control every facet of life. People sought freedom. These pilgrims were trying to escape religious persecution, looking for a refuge without the dictates of another man’s conscience. They came looking to practice freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. In the country of their origins, they were not allowed to follow their faith because it was a threat to the ideological ramblings that a king was to be the center of all attention. He could have whatever he wanted, and was to be thought of as the voice of the creator. No man and no god for that matter was going to take that from him. These pilgrims wanted to follow the dictates of nature’s law, of their great shepherd without reprise from the fall out of persecution.

Next came the over taxation, and manipulation by tyrants seeking to yet again, gain control over a people group. To a dictator, it is not about leading people in a manner best suited to support a society, but to constantly gain more and more control over the mind of people. It is a sick and twisted affair of men.

What poses the most threat to this line of thought is a god. Not just any god but the God. The God who drives us, the God who awakes our inner morals and inspires us to live within the confines of morality, and independence from the onslaught of power hungry vultures. This God wants us to serve no man, to bow no knee.

As the pendulum swings back and forth so has the politics of man. Once we were a great country. Once we followed the dictates of our own conscience. In the history of man, the pendulum has swung right and people would live independently in their own ways, then it would swing left and a few men would cease the day, and find ways to grasp for power over others. They came with the promises of a better way, brighter future, and a grand idea. So long as you stepped in line, and bowed down to their authority.

This time has come again.

Today I read an article, with my blood boiling, which stated that the pentagon is seeking a way to criminalize Christianity; seeking a way to court martial military men for sharing their religious views. This is the new “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” Don’t ask if I’m a Christian, and I won’t tell you (even though to be a Christian you must tell). It’s ok to be a loud and proud homosexual but by obama you better not tell anyone you’re a Christian.

This couldn’t be more counter intuitive to the idea of America and Christians. First, we are a true religion of patience. We do not kill in the name of our savior (Muslims), we do not segregate people groups with hate and animosity (yes, we do tell you what we think about sin, but we do not arrest you for it), and we certainly do not promote forced conversion.  Second, this is a country of free men, and it’s the military that fights for that freedom. To take away the one thing that defines a man is to truly enslave him.  Lastly, it is the faith in God that gets him through the atrocities of war. God can be his center and rock who gives him the strength to persevere in times of trial.

But the divine ruler (sarcasm) wants to take that from them. Where is your tolerant society now? Oh ya, it’s ok to be any other religion, just not one of those Christians. You know the type. The ones who first came to Plymouth Rock, the ones who wrote the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, and oh ya, the ones that don’t cause terror all over the world!

My name is King James and I have always preached the ways of the Lord. Though I may be a wretched man, without fail, I will not fail the people around me through silence.  I have, for as long as I can remember, boasted in the Lord in front of every marine that would hear. It is probably for the best that I did not re-enlist. I would be court-martialed. No man will stop me from exercising my faith so he may self-indulge his delusion of power.

To the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines: It is your right to follow the dictates of God and not man. This is what you fight for. This is why America was founded, and that is why we have separation of state from religion. Not separation of religion from state. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Second Amendment: Do you fear your government?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

Our fore fathers were no dummies. They truly knew what they were doing when they created the most important document in the history of man, the Constitution of the United States. This document set up the great republic we once were. We may never see men like that again. It was through much fighting and deliberation that they ratified the constitution, but this was not enough for them.
The men of this country during its birth had studied other governments though history in great detail with many hours in a library of their own. They were self taught, and learned from failures such as the Articles of Confederation. They study books from people like John Locke, and Thomas Hobbes. They argued over the concepts of corruption by man or society through philosophy and religion or “Laws of Nature”.

They didn’t just jump into this great experiment with blind eyes and hopeful will. The drive came from the failings of their previous oppressor.
When the constitution was ratified, the states would not sign it. They were separate governments refusing to enter a union or contract without certain protection: the Bill of Rights.

This set of 10 amendments was made to protect the states and people from the centralized government evolving into a monarchy or dictatorship as every single government in the history of man has done.
The first amendment gave us something different from any other government: the right to speak your mind without punishment, and the right to pursue religion without persecution. In government throughout history, this was a problem.  The Persians persecuted the Israelites, the Romans killed the Christians and Britain went after both Catholics and Protestants. Also, if you said anything bad about your king, you could and would face a judge.

This is why the Protestants went after the king of England when he tried to disarm them. That’s right, the idea of gun rights came from Europe; it’s not just a cowboy mentality of Americans. Second Amendment. The king even tried to take the colonial weapons in order to establish dominance.
The point to all of this though, is that owning a gun is not for hunting, sport, or home protection.  That was never the intent.

It had one end purpose: to ensure the protection of liberty from the government, and to provide protection for the states, being that a standing army at the time was taboo. A standing army was always a point of contention since this was the first step in every government that led to the end. Rome is a great example. Caesar used his army to overthrow the Senate. This is why our senate has control over the army and not the president.  The thought behind a standing army was said best on this site.
It talks about the Idea of a standing army leading to the unmanly shifting of responsibility from the head of the house defending his family, to the responsibility of the government.

In short, it is not only a right to bear arms but a duty; duty to one’s family, country, and future. It is the man’s job to protect his family. It is the man’s job to check his government and protect his land from it or defend against foreign invaders, and it is his job to protect the future of our government.

To do this, he needs to be armed, and not just armed, but equally armed as his government. When you hear someone use the line: you don’t need an assault weapon to kill a deer or ten rounds to hunt, they are using a straw man argument.

Today I looked up what a “straw man argument” was from Wikipedia just to better understand it. In short, it is a tactic used to divert. It is when you use a fake argument similar to the original but perverse it or present the argument with misrepresentation, and then attack it in order to show its absurdity.

Again, the intent was not to hunt or have a hobby, but to protect one’s self from the government. Also, and most importantly, we should be equally as armed as our military. When you hear someone say, “That amendment was made when we used muskets and was never intended for weapons that could kill at such a rate”, feel free to slap the ignorance out of them. At the time, the musket was the most up-to-date weapon and was considered remarkable for killing at such ranges without physical contact. If this argument were true, the founders would have said “the right to own a knife or bow”, but they didn’t.

Our founders wanted to be able to fight back the government with equal terms, not just defend from death during a home break-in. Fight against government, as they did their own governing forces, the King.

As always, I defer to great wisdom, Thomas Jefferson. He said, “When the government fears the people, there is liberty, but when the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” Do you think the government fears you with a revolver or Glock loaded with 6 rounds against their 30-round AR-15s? Better yet, ask yourself, do you fear the government?