Friday, February 17, 2012

To the lemmings

Center of Gravity. What does that mean? Well if you're in the military, it is a reference to your strengths as a fighting force. The one thing that makes you effective or able to stand against a foe.

If you're not in the military then you know it as another name. Principles or values. These are your compass and map through life.

In today's world people don't subscribe to one principle or value because it may cause friction or hardship but without them, can you call yourself a person? Or is it possible you're just a lemming following some one else's will?

When we ask ourselves "where have all the men gone?", the answer is by the way of another's will.

If you find yourself with an open mind about all things and willing to accept all peoples and their belief systems then you have lost your center of gravity. You have the personality of a dog and will never stand for anything.

I have seen a plethora of this type of people in my short time in college. It drives me insane. They have no foundation, no compass, they are easy to brain wash. They are lemmings to the social and liberal agenda; willing to jump off a cliff if told by someone they can fly.

This is why there is a war for your mind. A war against faith. Faith gives you a core; makes you a man or woman insted of a lemming. Having a core of fundamental beliefs drives you to question everything instead of excepting everything.

It is because of this wishy washy mentality that we as a country are going to the way of Rome. All is acceptable and we are to just love everyone for who they are and ignore what they do.

In short, if you find yourself empathetic to all walks of life and social issues, then you are lost. You have no meaning in your life. Find your compass and don't be afraid to stand for something; to have principles even if they are not widely excepted by the mob.

Last note: Just because someone in the world of academia tells you something or someone in power makes a statement with authority doesn't mean they are right.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Only smart people know the age of the earth: part 1.2

While a recent study in the journal Science suggested that the Grand Canyon was about 16 million to 17 million years old (much older that previously thought), a new study, detailed in the journal Geology, argues that geological evidence still supports the long standing age of 6 million

What do scientists do when they have too many variables to make a solid theory? They give it more time. In the scientific community, dates for events or creation of geological spectacles are created with theories. When a new variable comes about that throws a wrench in to it, they just make the date older (throwing more time at it makes it all better).

The Grand Canyon is a perfect example of this. The age of this geological spectacle is argued over continuously (see above). It was 6 million years old but then when new problems arose to this theory it became 17 million years old. Time cures everything, even poor science.

I am currently in the roofing business. I spend all day on a roof figuring out how to make water run off effectively. We have a saying in my business, water only runs up hill in china, and the grand canyon.

Simply put the most north end of the Grand Canyon is at a lower elevation than the middle. Yea, water ran up hill for a time to wear the limestone away to its current elevation at the base of the canyon. The only way this is possible is if you slap a couple of zeros on the age of the canyon. Don't even get me started on the tectonic theory that just the walls of the canyon raised over a thousand feet while the base stayed the same.

Dont belive me? go on google earth and run your curser along the ridge of the canyon.

So from now on when you cant explain something in life or you get something wrong, just explain it by saying "well i did my math home work a 100 million years ago" or "the reason red is red, is because 1 trillion million years" it works for scientists!

Want a better theory for the Grand Canyon? look up creation science evangilism.

Thank you. This blog took 52 zillion years to create.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Only smart people know the age of the earth: part 1

It is difficult to work out the age of the Great Barrier Reef. This is because of the way a reef can grow and shrink as the sea level changes. A coral reef can grow in diameter, that is how wide they are, from 1 to 2 cm per year. They can also grow upwards from 1 to 15 cm per year. Coral can not grow if the water is too deep (150 meters or more) because it needs light from the sun. They cannot grow out of the water (above sea level)

I recently watched National Geographic: Amazing Planet, and as I sat on the couch I found myself pausing the show and asking my beautiful wife if she just heard what I did.

Let me set the stage. I was not by any means raised in a Christian household. Quite the opposit. I was taught to question everything and to choose my belief system. It is because of this that I became a Christian. Now that I am a Christian, I still question even my own religion, yet I still come up with confidence in my faith. God proves himself to me daily.

So on that note, I always wonder how professionals or scholars know the age of the earth. Go ahead, tell me carbon dating. sorry, carbon dating is not by any means accurate with in a million year bracket to scientists, and not accurate at all to science or math. There are too many variable that skew the data right or left (ya, I learned that in my stats class).

Back to Nat Geo. In episode two of the above listed show, the narrator states that the great barrier reef is somewhere around 3 million years old. She states that fact with authority. It must have been observed and tested. I would love to find that video or test summary.

So I looked it up on to see if the facts line up. Well they didn't (see above). To state the obvious, the narrator talks about how the planets continental shelves have shifted over the last million years. This shift changed the ocean currents along with temperatures. Currants and temperatures that cannot sustain a coral reef for the area.

This is the problem with science today. Theories continue to contradict themselves but we are to except them all in harmony as fact with outproof.

Question and analyze everything!

How Scientist Observed the Beginnings

Definition of SCIENCE

1: the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding

2a : a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study b : something (as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge

3a : knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method b : such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena : NATURAL SCIENCE

4: a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific laws

Definition of SCIENTIFIC METHOD : principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

The definition of science according to Merriam-Webster has many definitions but they all seem to come to the same end. The study of knowledge. The one I want to break down here is definition 3a. In the definition it talks about the manner in which we conduct studies in order to come up with truths.

Scientists try to answer questions of unknown subjects such as the creation of the world using the scientific method and then state the outcomes achieved by the study. There are many questions in the universe that eat at the very souls of man. Questions like how did I get here, what is my purpose, and were am I going.

Well according to “scientific studies” scientists can answer that question. Man, animals, and all things living came from a rock. More specifically, a rock that was rained on until it broke down into mud, then the mud was struck by lightning an uncountable amount of times. This caused the mud to turn into “primordial soup”. Yummy! After an immeasurable amount of time, a single cell crawled out of this soup. Thus the beginnings of man.

Wait let me back up to how the world began. Everything in existence, all mater, was condensed into and object the size of a period. That period exploded into a universe unleashing a chain of events that created the world. I hope this period doesn’t explode.!

Now let’s talk about how scientists know this. Well through scientific studies and the use of the scientific method. The definition states that a question arise. How did we come into existence? Well after reading the definition of scientific method, I can only assume that a scientist went back in time. You know before time. Then sat in a space ship and observed all of this happening.

Then he experimented on ideas he drew from the observation to find out what he say was real. This is how we came up with the big band theory, and the theory of evolution. Since it was proven by observation, we can now build more theories off of those. Then build more theories off of these. Because we keep proving the first theory, right? Wrong.

The theories have not been proven, observed and hardly tested but yet we take them as doctrine. We teach our children this as if its fact. Wake up people the big bang theory and evolutional theory is anything but science.

Scientists no longer question everything. They just make a theory and call it proven then never question it again.

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is boring.” -Albert Einstein.