Friday, February 17, 2012

To the lemmings

Center of Gravity. What does that mean? Well if you're in the military, it is a reference to your strengths as a fighting force. The one thing that makes you effective or able to stand against a foe.

If you're not in the military then you know it as another name. Principles or values. These are your compass and map through life.

In today's world people don't subscribe to one principle or value because it may cause friction or hardship but without them, can you call yourself a person? Or is it possible you're just a lemming following some one else's will?

When we ask ourselves "where have all the men gone?", the answer is by the way of another's will.

If you find yourself with an open mind about all things and willing to accept all peoples and their belief systems then you have lost your center of gravity. You have the personality of a dog and will never stand for anything.

I have seen a plethora of this type of people in my short time in college. It drives me insane. They have no foundation, no compass, they are easy to brain wash. They are lemmings to the social and liberal agenda; willing to jump off a cliff if told by someone they can fly.

This is why there is a war for your mind. A war against faith. Faith gives you a core; makes you a man or woman insted of a lemming. Having a core of fundamental beliefs drives you to question everything instead of excepting everything.

It is because of this wishy washy mentality that we as a country are going to the way of Rome. All is acceptable and we are to just love everyone for who they are and ignore what they do.

In short, if you find yourself empathetic to all walks of life and social issues, then you are lost. You have no meaning in your life. Find your compass and don't be afraid to stand for something; to have principles even if they are not widely excepted by the mob.

Last note: Just because someone in the world of academia tells you something or someone in power makes a statement with authority doesn't mean they are right.

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